Viola Grimwald

  • Age: 20's
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She
  • Orientation: Romo Sex
  • Species: Not human


Viola is the daughter of the royal family in the Underworld. Coming from a family of pride, she's expected to take the throne to carry out her family's duties without any hesitation. However, being friends with a lot of beings in other castes has shown Viola how her family's pride has damaged them. She doesn't want to take the throne, but fears what her parents might do to her if she refuses. Viola waits patiently for an opportunity to escape the Underworld and what fate she might end up with.


Loup: At first, Viola finds Loup very irritating to be around; His disinterest in everything around him insults her. After getting to know him and finding out that he doesn't actually belong in the Underworld, she intends to use him as a means to travel to the Overworld. Fortunately for the both of them, it doesn't work out as easily as that and Viola becomes quite attached to the poor human following her around like a lost puppy. By the end of the story, Viola intends to show Loup how to properly live in exchange for safety in the Overworld.